Installing Syncthing on windows
To Install Syncthing on Windows there are two ways of installing it. One is with synctrazor which I will walkthrough below. It also comes with the benefit of having a GUI(Graphical User Interface).
1. Download Synctrazor
The first step is to download Synctrazor. You can download it from the following link.`
When you go to the page you need to click on Download SyncTrayzorSetup-x64.exe. This will download the executable file.
When you go to that page you need to click on Download SyncTrayzorSetup-x64.exe. (/images/syncthing/windows/download.webp#center)
After you click on that link it will take you to this page and then you will click on SyncTrayzorSetup-x64.exe or SyncTrayzorSetup-x86.exe. Most people will want to use the x64 version if they have a computer with windows7,8, 10, or 11.
2. Install Synctrazor
Just click on the executable file and it will install Synctrazor. It will pop up a warning message. This is because synctrayzorsetup isn’t signed by a known publisher of Microsoft. The software is fine to use but it is not a trusted source. So we need to click on the Yes button. (/images/syncthing/windows/accesscontrol.webp#center)
The rest is just pressing next to you click on finish. If you want to watch me do it you can watch the video above.